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A post covid pandemic review

Published Dec 31, 2023 - origin LinkedIn article


Spike damage as a taboo topic: The discussion is overdue - Our columnist believes that the ongoing excess mortality since the beginning of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign must finally be discussed without taboos.

Spikeopathy and excess mortality: A sinister suspicion” is the title of the text in which P.Cullen et. al in Cicero answer my question from May 30th as to whether anyone has an idea why around 100,000 more people died in Germany in 2021-2022 than expected.

Several Covid vaccines, they explain, contain modified mRNA, a blueprint for part of the SARS-COV-2 virus. This blueprint turns not only the injection area (as has long been officially claimed) but potentially the entire body into the production site of the so-called “spike protein” for days, weeks, even months. The immune system reacts to this harmful protein. The artificial production of spike proteins can trigger undesirable consequences in mRNA vaccinated people.


Published at this link by Berliner Zeitung on 27th December 2023 by Michael Andrick as pay-per-read article.


The matter is extremely complex because details in this subject makes a great diference. However, we can start to address our reasoning with a rule of thumb, even considering that it have a high risk to be wrong. Moreover, in some particular complex cases like this one,the rule of thumb can bring us to the wrong direction instead nearer to understand the reality.

Rule of thumb

The mRNA in the blood will create spike proteins and not the virus. The immune system will learn to identify this proteins and destroy them. This would kill the virus as well.

How long last the mRNA after the injection? It seems that it did not lasted for a long time because differently than a virus cannot replicate itself and along the time it is going to be degraded.

Therefore also the spike proteins creation. Which is fine, but it seems also that the immune system will forget about how to fight this proteins and this it is supposed to be the reason for many shots.

These effects can largely vary among different people with different pathological conditions. Because of this, vaccination people under 40yo would probably not the best idea.

Spikes proteins alone would have killed some people? It cannot be excluded that among billions of people, some people body reacted presenting adverse reactions that alone or in combination with others pathology lead to the death or serious illness.

This is much probable as much we - as human specie - rarely get in contact with spike proteins along our evolution line. It is quite improbable that we never met that proteins before but it is reasonable to say that we had never been exposed in so large number billions - to them, as well.

Now, imagine to give chocolate or peanuts butter to everyone on this planet. Some people would are going to die or face severe reactions, right? We know about it, allergies. The same is reasonable that could happen with spike proteins in the body.

However, those can be harmed by spike proteins would have met them with the virus infection. We might argue that spike proteins and virus are different things but virus replication does not always succeed and therefore spike proteins would have released. Moreover, on the long run - everyone - would got infected by the virus like everyone made the fu once in a life.

Under this PoV, the mRNA vaccines would have keep down the rate of those would have hospitalized on the short terms and rises the number of those would get sick because spike proteins on the middle-terms.

In terms of emergency management and sustainability seems a good advantage. Considering that everyone would have been infected by the virus on the long term, in the same manner everyone had the fu once in their lives AND virus replication failure would have exposed everyone to the spike proteins, then would be wrong to account adverse effects as extra-mortality.

It is a extra-mortality, indeed. It might also seems worrying, indeed. However, decreasing the rate of virus infection makes longer the queue of those experienced adverse reaction to the spike proteins.

If we exclude hospitalization. Then, once a new virus pop-up, vaccine or not vaccine, the same number of people will die. The vaccination will just change the distribution of the deaths but not the number. Unless, it would quickly extinct the covid, like happens for some other plagues.

A decade of vaccines

Angus Hervey · 4 years ago

In that case and from that time in the future no one will be exposed to the virus anymore. We know that mRNA vaccines did not exterminated the covid.

Because of this - and because hospitalization was and is possible but not when a relatively large fraction of people got sick at the same time - vaccines have saved lives. Not because their efect on the virus but because they changed the epidemic dynamics.

Two others important factors that can heavily affect the epidemic dynamics are: 1. people isolation and 2. long travels.

More people are isolated and shorter are the allowed travels, slower the new virus will spread around. But it will spread around anyway unless contained and exterminated in a single region or time frame.

Once spread around the world - pandemia which is an epidemic dynamics world wide - the chance to contain and exterminate the virus are gone. At that point, just two strategies can be adopted:

  • 1. let it go AND avoid the hospitalization for such kind of illness in order to avoid medical system collapse and cure all other illness like usual
  • 2. vaccination if exist a vaccine, isolation, as short trips as possible, cure those get ill because the new virus
  • Obviously, the #2 can be acceptable only if the new virus is going to be rarely lethal. However, in the past the black plague has been faced without medicine causing a huge pile of deaths.


    The problem with pandemic management was that we have forced to stay home and being vaccinated. This was awful, indeed.

    Now put in the shoes of who need to take - quickly - a decision. They mainly have two choices:

  • 1. go in TV and saying - there is a new virus around and it is going to spread fast, we do not know the long term effects of this virus, nor if it will evolve in a more lethal variant even if usually virus do not do that. We have vaccine and we suggest to stay apart each other and do not travel. We are not forcing rules but this will lead to a lot of deaths in the nearest future within a small amount of time. A lot of people are going to get sick, many are going to die and hospitals would not be able to face this emergency or even run the normal service. In large and overcrowded metropolis this will lead to some kind of social outbreaks. People get mad, start to siege people go around like anointers because it happened in the past and it is going to repeat. In some extreme cases, public disorders will outbreak especially because protesters about the hospital refusing cure their sick relatives. Be cautious, be responsible and quietly accept that some of us will die.
  • 2. what they did: enforcing rules.

  • Personal opinion

    I personally prefer have seen the #1 rather than #2 but I am also aware that such a way to mange the crises can be done in some particular countries like Sweden in which people trust their government, are used to stay apart because just 10 millions people spread in a large country, not really overcrowd cities, people have reached a high-level of civilization.

    Now, imagine Milan, Rome, Naples, or the others 1M+ Italian cities in which there are a lot of suburbs overcrowd by people that are not usually used to follow any rule, do not trust the authorities nor the rational calm dialogue as a way to confront people and emergencies. It would have been a mess with a lot of riots outbreaks leading to some hospital destruction as well in order to revenge their relatives uncured deaths.

    Despite this, I continue to think that the best way - also for Italy and Italians - would have been the #2. It would have caused a lot of damages and deaths more than necessary but it would have teach us a lesson. Moreover, pandemic or not, a revolution is necessary in Italy,anyway. The covid emergency and its related social stress would have been a great opportunity to start it.

    Unsurprisingly, Italy gone for #2 fiercely.

    News update

    25 marzo 2024 - Gestione della pandemia: pubblicati in Germania i protocolli Covid-19 che fanno discutere.


    Tutte le principali testate [...] hanno accolto con enorme interesse la pubblicazione delle quasi 1000 pagine di documenti interni del RKI [Robert Koch Institut] e ne hanno tratto diversi spunti di riflessione sul modo in cui la Germania ha gestito la pandemia. ZDF Heute e Der Spiegel, in particolare, parlano di rivelazioni dal potenziale “politicamente esplosivo”, se si considera che il Robert Koch Insitut è stato la principale guida del governo tedesco, nella definizione delle politiche di gestione della crisi sanitaria, compresi gli obblighi e le restrizioni imposti alla popolazione e le relative sanzioni.


    Fonte della notizia: Il Mitte, Berlino articolo salvato in PDF nella cartella data. Questo stampa è da considerarsi inserita in questo repository/website per completezza dell'archiviazione delle fonti citate e secondo il principio del fair-use garantito dai termini della licenza Creative Common BY-NC-ND 4.0 che impediscono di farne un uso a scopo commerciale o di profitto, in generale.

  • Q&A - La semplicità delle direttive in caso di crisi   (2024-12-29)

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